何至于让其像被捏住七寸一般大动干戈?! 人民日报客户端海报 涉港国安立法的推进意味着 美国在香港培养的“代理人”将难逃法律制裁 通过香港进行分裂渗透的政治企图必遭到遏制 借香港暴乱掣肘中国发展的幻想进而破灭 幕后黑手操纵木偶的提线一旦被剪断 “山姆大叔”恼...
Since the founding of the United States over two centuries ago, women have been fighting for gender equality. But even to this day, the United States has still not ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Wo...
27. 加强风险防范 prepare oneself against possible risks 28. 扩大贫富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor 29. 为...提供巨大商机 present huge business opportuniti...
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